oh blogging...how I've missed you. My intentions have been to get caught up on all my blog posts from Halloween through Valentines Day. I have lots of stuff I want to share and remember, but every time I decided to do a post, it was to much for me to handle. All the time it was going to take for our butt slow computer to get my pictures downloaded onto each post. All the remembering and brain sifting I was going to have to do...it was overwhelming. The final straw was losing my memory card and not having every picture taken from December through New Year's(yeah, I dropped my camera a the Dashboard concert and i guess my memory card fell out. super sucky!)
Now I am going to start over with a new month in a new year and do my best to stay caught up. I am still going to try and post all my old stuff cause there are some pretty good times from the last few months, but that will happen slowly.
For now enjoy my short update on the little's and our lives...

Nixon J is 7 1/2 months old and slobbery as ever. Seriously. Constant stream of drool coming out of that boys mouth. He got his two bottom teeth just after 4 months and his two side teeth are coming in now. That's right people..not his two front teeth, his two side teeth. Poor boy is going to be a hillbilly.
Here is a little update on Nixon:
-- he loves holding hands. really, any physical contact, but he has to be holding hands to fall
-- he wants constant attention and pretty much demands it
-- he turns around on his belly but shows no sign of crawling yet
-- he chews on everything
-- he is eating baby foods and some table foods now. he is kind of an oinker.
-- he laughs his face off at pretty much everything Owen does and at Owen's stuffed Nemo
-- he smiles and laughs a lot (as long as he is getting attention)
-- he loves standing up and is balancing pretty good when he standing up against the couch and
-- he likes music
-- he waves goodbye(this kids of goes in spurts). he does the open and shut hand wave and it is
super cute.
-- he jabbers a lot and very loudly(not sure where he gets that)
-- he is very offended if Jason walks by him with no acknowledgement
probably lots of other things too, but I need to move on. He is darling and fun and we love him. I am ready for him to be crawling. The laying on his belly all stiff with his arms and legs up is getting to be a little much for me to handle, yeah, mobility is fun.

Owen will be 3 in April. Everyday there is something new and funny and naughty going on with this kid:
-- he loves puzzles and he is very good at them, like kind of geniusy good at them.
-- he loves books and stories. he is always asking someone to tell him a story. he loves to get the flashlight and have a camp out wherever he is and tell stories
-- he still loves guns and swords and wants to "sword you", "shoot you right in the eye", "rope you" or "weapon you" pretty much everything he plays with eventually becomes some kind of weapon. not really sure if i should worry about that yet.
-- he is starting to love playing "baksitball" (see my kids not a total nerd)
-- he loved playing in the snow and having snowball fights this winter
-- he is very naughty and he kind of likes it. he goes under my mom's kitchen table and just yells all of his naughty words(shut up, stupid and hate are at the top of his list) i guess he thinks that is free space since we can't see him and he is not saying directly to anyone. there is really no stopping it cause whoever is in the room can't help laughing at him.
-- yeah, he is definitely in the pushing the limits phase and really tries me some days. hopefully won't last all through his 3 year oldness
-- he is wild. loves running and being chased and he is very loud too.
-- he talks a lot, sometimes non-stop. my favorite words/phrases are "that's terrible", "that doesn't sound like a great idea", "mom, i have to ask you a question"
-- he wants to wear underpants and use the toilet but he doesn't get that he is not supposed to pee before he gets to the toilet. we are working on it.
-- he says the prayer and it's one of the cutest things ever.
-- he sings at the top of his lungs and really likes music
-- he went to his first concert, Dashboard Confessional. It was outdoors in Ogden as part of the Dew Tour and he ripped his gloves and mittens off as soon as they started playing so that he could play his air guitar. he couldn't/wouldn't do it with gloves on.
-- he is very curious and wants to know all about stuff
-- he is starting to rhyme and always wants to know what time it is
really, he learns something and does something new everyday. he makes me so happy. he is ready for nixon to play and be wild with him and i can tell that nixon is ready too. pretty sure these two are going to keep me on my toes...wild hooligans.

so, the boys are good. life is good. jason is set to graduate this year and i cannot express the anxiousness I am having for him to be done with school so we can move onto something different in our lives. it is very exciting and we are very ready for our next step. i am determined to stay updated on my blog so that you can all enjoy me once again!