
KIDA Relay

Another one of Angela's crazy ideas of a good time! She found out about this 24 hour bike/run relay and of course she thought it sounded like the funnest thing ever. Apparently Rich, Monica and Jason thought it sounded like fun too, cause they all participated. The relay consisted of 12 hours of biking and 12 hours of running. This was the first year of the relay so they did not really know what to expect. It turned out that the director of the relay is a hardcore marathoner/triathaloner and he recruited a lot of his friends. There were 11 teams and 'Team Angela' was definitely out of place. Jason rides a mountain bike, not a road bike. Monica bought an $80 road bike from Walmart the day before the race and Angela and Rich don't ride bikes at all. The other teams had bikes that probably cost as much as my car, jerseys with sponsors on them, etc. They were the underdogs, to say the least.
8am Friday morning Jason biked the first 26 mile bike loop. Then Monica, Rich, Ang, Jason again, Monica again. That was the first 12 hours of the race. 8pm Friday night Rich ran the first 6 mile loop. Then Ang, then Jason, then Monica, Rich again, Ang again and Jason again. This was the last 12 hours of the race(they were supposed to run til 8am Saturday morning but stopped around 5am and slept).
They weren't the top contenders, but all things considered(like that none of them have done anything like this before and they didn't really train for it either), they did a super awesome job. I am so proud of them! The other teams were nice and kept making comments about the team with the mountain bike. They said they would like to see them back next year on a road bike, cause they thought they could be great with the right equipment.

Jason coming in and Monica going out.


The relay was at Utah Lake. We had a nice grass area with a nice bathroom so Me, Owen, Mom, Amberly, Alexa, Alex and Max decided to camp out and show our support for the full 24 hours. It got chilly at night. Sleeping arrangements were not the best, but we had a good time overall.

What was Utah Lake like? This fish tells it all! The beach was mainly rocks and broken glass. The water was grey and dirty. The little boys still enjoyed it though. I did not enjoy it. It's gross!

Rich. He is a fantastic runner!

Angela liked the run a lot better than the bike.

Cute Jas!

Jason passing the belt onto Monica.

The Fantastic Foursome(that is the best name Ang could come up with)! Good work guys...good work!


angela said...

thanks for always being so supportive of my crazy ideas...just remember that it was jas that put in the final word and made this all happen...it was a GREAT experience though

ps i didn't think that the other teams were that nice (some were actually really RUDE)but the organizers were and that was great!!

Melissa said...

Boy am I glad I didn't get suckered into doing that! I'm glad you had a good time.

Natalie said...

Woah-that looks intense! Sounds like fun though...You look great! I can't wait for you to have #2 and tell me how it all goes.