for the last month or so, jas and i have been wondering if owen has outgrown naptime...
shopping with me in walmart. using a nerf sword as a pillow.
in the middle of dinner. he knocked himself over and was fast asleep.
didn't even have time to put the cheeseburger down.
due to the nature of these pictures, we decided to resume naptime.
this is how my boy likes to sleep...hiding. when i tuck him in he says he is "gettin in his hiding spot" and nearly every night when i check on him before i go to bed, this is what he looks like. he has been like this for most his life, so we don't worry too much about him suffocating. jason and i both like our faces kind of buried when we sleep too and i think nixon may turn out the same way. as soon as you nuzzle a blanket against part of his face his eyes start rolling. whatever helps you sleep at night..hehe!
forget bonuses, pay raises, paid time off...this is what you get for being an awesome employee at my work. today my boss and co-worker rewarded me for excellence. i guess they felt my good work was not worthy of using the gas in their cars so they picked something up for me on their afternoon walk. never mind that there is a bread store, candy store and jewelry store within 2 blocks of our place of employment...nope, those would not suffice...the mexican groceteria was the only place that made sense. thank goodness for my guardian angel. she has already blessed my life more than Bonnie and Laurie will ever know!FROSTED TOAST!!! seriously...don't you wish you had my job!?! (frosted toast is as nasty as it sounds. it smelled like sweaty feet and the bread was as crusty as bread can get)
thank goodness for people that make me laugh at work!!!
OWEN: ummm, puttin on mine nakeup. ME: oh! are you getting ready for something? OWEN: yeah. ME: what are you getting ready for? OWEN: puttin on my mad face. ME: what are you going to do with your mad face? OWEN: so i can say roar
Craft day with sisters is the best! Melissa and I saw these cutest witches brooms at Tai Pan last time we were there and of course I said, "we could totally make those" and for some crazy reason, Melissa went along with it. I love it when she does that! The highlights of making these brooms... - driving on Canyon Road and spotting our broomstick handles - making my broom and then making melissa's broom too. just kidding sis, but seriously, she really struggled with the glueing portion of our craft. - conversations with satan who was haunting our cell phones - melissa wanting to take owen home with her because she feared for his life due to my zero patience with him
thanks for the fun sister! cant' wait for the next one!
I got this shirt for Owen for $2 and I love, love the slim fit and colors of it so much. He looked way too cute for me not to take some pictures. Enjoy my handsome little man... He is so good at posing for me. He knows all the faces I want and he is pretty patient with me when taking pictures. This last one is one of my all time faves.
Jason has had a rough semester this fall and this is pretty much how he looks every night. Tonight I got so bored after the littles were asleep and Jason was tuned into Computer Science World. The camera was out, so I entertained myself. Jason totally busted me taking 27 pictures of myself. I laughed!
Later that night I found these on the camera... I like that he can accept me taking pictures of myself when I am bored...I love that he takes pictures of himself in the mirror while I am asleep on the couch! That's the way we roll.
jennifer came for a visit from cleveland to meet her new nephews. owen had so much fun with her. she spoils her nieces and nephews too much! i loved how owen called her 'jenner'. you can tell from the pictures how much fun they had together. it was so fun to see her. we all miss her!
Jason gave Nixon a beautiful blessing in our Sacrament meeting. Bishop Eves, Grandpa's Oliver and Harris, Uncle's Rich and Dave(Uncle Steve was at his Brother's baby blessing at the same time. We missed him) and friend Lucas G. were all a part of the preisthood blessing given to this precious boy. So grateful for the blessings of the Priesthood in my life. These men have been such great examples to me in my life of what a man should be for his family, church and community. Nixon is so lucky to have these men to grow up with and look to for advice and strength. What an amazing miracle a child is. Nothing quite like it. I will be forever greatful for my children and the love they have filled me with. Here are a few family pictures...
Monica bought a new home in Smithfield this summer and she finally invited us all over to fill her new house with love!! Her backyard walks out to a nice grassy area and a pavillion. We ate pizza and popsicles outside and had a great time. Of course a family get together calls for photo extravaganza. Here are a few...
Mom had the urge to do 2-man sommersaults. She thought it was crazy that no one could do them. I am not sure why she thinks that is an easy feat, but luckily she did not try it for herself, cause it is hard. I don't think anyone mastered it.
10 grandkids...pretty good looking group of rugrats. Mom loves the lined up pictures of oldest to youngest. The little's were not lovin the photo shoot. The Bigs that do not appreciate being called kids anymore(mostly the girls...they are teenagers!) Jacob, McKenzie, Alexander and Alexa. Rockstars! They make me happy.
Owen unhappy that I would not let him play in the big water drain pipe thing. I know, I am mean. Cute Brooklyn posing.
Unsure if this kid could be any cuter! I love this bottom one with the tree. He makes me smile. I wish Monica would stop buying crazy, possessed appliances that shoot you in the face when you are trying to get a drink. Seriously, a trick fridge Monica...nice. We are so excited for Monica's new purchase and had a great time at her new home.