
Birthday shout out Finale

OCTOBER 28, 2008
My oldest sister Melanie...happy birthday to you!

- she is a great example to me in all aspects in life
- she is a hardworker
- she is very responsible and organized
- she is pregnant with her 5th child
- she pulls some great faces
- she gave me bald spots when I was little cause she told me stuff like my mom was in Paris making perfume and never coming back and that eating cold hot dogs was going to give me worms and make me die
- she is very crafty and creative
- she is a great decorator
- she sings opera like it's nobody's business(nostrils flared, eyes rolling and hands clasped)
- she makes up great sayings instead of using profanities
- she always gives good advice
- she does not sweat, just gets a really red face
- she looks great in a visor(you know what i am talking about Mel)
- she loves QVC
- she has more purses than anyone i know
- she is ten years older than me and one of my best friends

Hope you have a great year Mel. I love you!


Melissa said...

We have a great oldest sister!

Melanie said...

Thanks Amy, you're the best.