Thanksgiving. One of my favorites. All my sisters and their families were at my parent's this year and Mandi and Brandon as well. It was so fun having a full house. Jason, Owen, Dad, Amberly, Monica, Maxwell and I went to the church in the morning to shoot some hoops. Owen loved running around the gym and playing on the stage.
Most of us helped out(somewhat) with the preparation of the meal. Mom is super woman. I don't know how she does it. Ang was the sweet potato nazi and would not let anyone stir them or help with them at all. She does make a delicious sweet potato though. Jason made cranberry sauce. My family always had the yucky canned cranberries and then Jason came along and I learned that I love cranberries, thanks Jas!

It was a delicious meal. I struggle with Thanksgiving dinner though. I have no problem eating a big meal and in general I am a pretty fast eater. Well on Thanksgiving I eat like three meals in one sitting and I feel like I have to eat all of it super fast cause I don't want any of it to get cold. Stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey, sweet potatoes, corn...it all gets cold very fast so I kind of hoover it. Oh well, it's worth it.

While we were finishing up Dad had us go around the table and say what we were thankful for. Always a good time. Monica was the most memorable this year being thankful for her "strength and her big muscles". I am so greatful for so many things...Jason, Owen, my family, Jason's family, my friends, my faith and testimony, that I know I can be with the people I love most in the world for eternity, the strength and hope I receive through the gospel of Jesus Christ, my freedom's, my opportunities, my job, school, sunshine, snow, wind, rain, laughing, crying...really I can't think of any reason i should ever be grumpy or sad(at least for too long) because I truly am blessed and have so much to live for and be happy about!

After dinner we played spoons and looked through the ads to plan our big day of shopping. It was a really great day!
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true that
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