- Edward and Bella...good casting. I am not in love with Rob Pattinson, like I am with book Edward, sometimes he looked real ugly, but for the most part he did well
- cheering when the cute boys came on screen(any other movie I would have been very annoyed and this type of thing is usually why I don't go to movies on opening weekend, but this time it was kind of funny and added to the excitement of the show)
- Charlie
- Victoria and James...really good
- Bella's school friends
- the baseball scene to the end of the movie
- there was no hissing from the vampires at leaset that I really noticed
- Jason liked it, or didn't hate it at leastLOWLIGHTS:
- you could tell it was a low budget film
- a lot of weird close ups
- Alice...got kind of ripped off as far as her character goes and i would like a recast on her
- Rosalie...liked her character but didn't quite live up to the intimidating beauty she was described as in the book(not that she was ugly at all) although she is beautiful inthe above picture, maybe I have misjudged
- Jacob telling Bella the story of 'the cold ones' not good enough, way too short and weird wolf flashbacks
- a book full of description crammed into a 2 hour, low budget movie
- Jasper reminded me a little of Edward Scissorhands
Overall, really liked it. I would like to see it again with a better seat. I think my main disapppointment was that the characters really got shorted. Even the main ones. There was not enough time for them to become the characters I loved in the book...or there was time but they had weird close up moments and spider monkeying up trees instead, not really sure. I think the acting was good and I am thinking the sequels, since they will probably get huge budgets now that Twilight has killed, will be really good.
I love the Jasper/Edward Scissorhands comparison... now that you say that, I totally agree! I wouldn't mind seeing it again. And Charlie was cuter than I pictured him.
I totally agree with everything you said about the movie and basically everyone I talk to says the same things, funny... I tagged you on my blog, you totally don't have to do it if you don't want to (b/c getting tagged is kind of annoying).
I went to the midnight movie with my friend! I did enjoy it, but didn't fall in love with it like the books! You do have some good points! And, Jacob was ugly too!
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