
strawberry jam

This is my first time making jam. I have had homemade jam my whole life. I do not eat store jam/jelly...it's too yucky compared to homemade. I decided I should start making it myself instead of sneaking jars out of my mom's freezer!
beautiful, delicious strawberries

blending/mashing the berries

Melissa and Ang were making some too.

strawberry jam, sitting for 1/2 hour


finished product.
It was not hard at all, it just took a little time. It was great fun and now I will have my very own strawberry jam for at least a year or two(it made a lot more than I thought). I am going to make apple and apricot next time...I can't wait!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love making Strawberry Jam! Thanks for helping me with mine. Have you had apple jam before? Sounds yucky!